CCT and Advocacy programme

Over the years, the CCT intervention in PAG has continued to empower a vast number churches and communities to start projects both at household and group levels. These projects continued to grow both in scope and in impact.
CCT & Advocacy

PAG Soroti piloted CCT and advocacy in 11 communities in the districts of: Serere and Soroti with support from Tear fund- UK. The local churches were able to integrate local level advocacy into their CCT work which has seen significant achievement in service delivery from the government, reduced the waiting period of response, increased good working relationship with local governments and empowered communities to identify issues within their communities that require government input beyond what the communities can do for themselves.

It is against these successes that created a need to scale up the project and replicate it to the other PAG Uganda pastorates. In the year 2015, CCT and advocacy program was extended to cover 85 Assemblies/communities. It covers 45 communities in Soroti programme area (Serere and Buyende Districts), and 40 communities outside Soroti programme area like 5 in Kabale, 15 in Katakwi, 10 in Kumi and  10 in Kaberamaido (4K pastorates).

Though the first level of implementation of the advocacy programme is focused on implementing local level advocacy, PAG looks at expanding the advocacy work to cover not only local level but also regional and national level. This will ensure that there is consistency of the work done with national policies and that the voices of the communities are inclusive in the policy dialogues at the regional and national levels. For instance through joining the different advocacy coalitions such as the coalition of Quality Primary Education- whose recent efforts resulted in a government decision to accede to teachers’ demand for a 15% pay rise.

As the name goes- CCT and Advocacy, is a combination of two approaches of CCT and advocacy, which are proven tools for holistic development by PAG Uganda. CCT advocacy is a local-level advocacy method, in which local churches engage their communities to influence the decisions, policies and practices of powerful local decision makers, with the aim of bringing about good governance; it can involve the use of social accountability tools. CCT advocacy can be particularly useful to communities which have undergone CCT- not only because they have already identified issues that require intervention from local government and other development actors but it is also easy for them to use the CCT approach to advocacy.